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Posted August 29, 2020 By Remote Training Systems

Written by - Siimplex Health

If you are one of the 6 in 10 U.S. adults with a chronic illness you’ve likely been through the conventional approach to medicine that goes as follows: Have a condition? See a specialist, and take medication to manage the said condition. The reality is nearly half of adults in the U.S have more than one chronic disease, and the conventional approach becomes even less effective. Have chronic migraines? See a specialist and take medication to manage the pain (maybe). Have type 2 diabetes? See an endocrinologist and take medication to manage the symptoms. If you have high cholesterol, arthritis, psoriasis, or any other slew of illnesses that plague Americans and the healthcare system, conventional medicine is at your service to suppress each of these. The outcome of this approach is what we’ve known to be costly, require multiple medications, leave disease untreated, and ultimately serve as a band-aid for chronic illness.

While conventional medicine is imperative for emergency and/or acute care, the rise of chronic disease has led to an inefficient method of treating human biology as a set of organs that are mutually exclusive. However, we know that humans function as an organism, as a complex system, and [ideally] as a well-oiled machine. Whatever you want to call it, conventional medicine, while it has its place, is not fit for the treatment of chronic disease and is not built for humans to thrive. So think of it another way… if you were standing on a tack, how would you treat the pain? Would you take an aspirin to manage the pain or, would you remove the tack?



Functional Medicine first and foremost targets the root cause of disease using a personalized, holistic, and collaborative approach rather than simply suppressing symptoms with medication. Common root causes of disease include chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalances, digestive imbalances, or chemical exposures and can manifest uniquely in each individual. Summarized into one sentence by the Institute of Functional Medicine, “One condition can have many different causes, and one cause can lead to many different conditions.”

By sourcing and treating the root cause, functional medicine can have a profound impact on treating multiple symptoms (such as hypertension, insulin resistance, migraines, eczema, etc.) while removing the need for further treatment. Ultimately, by tapping into ancestral techniques functional medicine is an individualized, sustainable approach to medicine that helps individuals achieve optimal wellness.


Charlie, a 38-year-old male, had been managing his type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol with medication for three years before he engaged Simplex Health’s Lead Dietitian, Alex Jatzke. After consulting with Alex, Charlie began Simplex15, a restorative metabolic protocol. Charlie’s custom low carb diet consisted of eating protein, healthy fats, lots of vegetables at all meals, and snacking on nuts if needed. After three months of beginning his treatment with Simplex Health, Charlie lost 30 lbs.

Charlie was also able to eliminate his need for medication. He lowered his fasting glucose from 266 to 84 and dropped his A1c from 10.8 to 5.9. In addition to his successes with reversing his type 2 diabetes, Charlie has lowered his total cholesterol from 244 to 144, and triglycerides from 584 to 93.

Charlie is one of the many patients that have been able to reduce or eliminate their need for diabetes medication after working with a Simplex Health Registered Dietitian. Simplex Health patients who have reduced their diabetes medication have seen these results after an average of 4 appointments with a Dietitian. Additionally, 71% of patients who have reduced their diabetes medication since meeting with Simplex Health have been able to stop at least one of their medications.


Are you ready to remove the tack and start treating the root cause of your chronic disease?


If you need more information, have questions, or would like to offer a suggestion, please be in touch. You can contact Simplex via phone, email or by filling out the form.

Tel: 877-842-2425

Fax: 484-930-0063




Chronic Diseases in America. (2019, October 23).

Functional Medicine. (n.d.).