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From a Weight Loss program to a Medical program

Our Remote Fitness Program The Medical History

Six years ago when fitness technology was just getting started, the development of the Remote Training System began using this new fitness technology. In the beginning because there was no history or model to follow we did what everyone in the fitness industry does. We tried to create a new type of weight loss program using the data collected by the fitness tracker. Three years was spent on this effort with a very successful outcome and proof that we had developed a very competent system that uses the technology data to then coach predominantly healthy clients to lose weight in a safe manner and achieve the goals they were unable to get, and keep, in any of the other system they tried.

In the process of developing this system, a Primary Care Physician saw the results I personally had (a 30 pound weight loss) and also had conversations with other clients that had similar success. The physician approached us and said she would like to refer her patients into the program for exercise coaching but first she wanted to go through the program to insure its safety, clinical level legitimacy and effectiveness.

This physician started sending us patients with conditions that made exercising for results a challenge. But because of the design of the program and our commitment to working cooperatively with the referring physician as well as a group of specialists, we were able to drive positive outcomes on any patient that was willing to stick with the program. And then based on that overwhelmingly positive patient experience we were asked to be a referral modality (similar to physical therapy or cardiac rehab) for a physician network of 102 Primary Care Physicians. Something that is very unique for an exercise program as it is expected of any medical specialty service (which at that point we were considered) to drive positive outcomes. And prior to our unique use of technology, this was very difficult for exercise professionals to achieve.

The takeaway from this is it doesn’t matter what type of condition you are in. The Remote Training System is designed to get results for anyone. We have worked successfully with everyone from a regular exerciser to someone in a wheelchair. The system is designed to help anyone achieve their goals whether they are medical in nature or you simply want to lose weight or become healthier.